Saturday 1 January 2011

2011 is Here

Turbo Man commented on my supposedly neat Turbo Dungeon. Well, here it is in more of its glory before I pack it all away ready for a house move.

How do you measure your athletic age? One way of doing it is by counting the number of HRMs in your HRM Elephants' Graveyard. My vote for the best HRMs - very basic Polars; worst HRMs - Suunto's with their v. hard to read dials.

Most important present this year - Tanita Scales. The journey to athletic greatness begins with lost pounds and ounces (or a decreasing %BF). Aim: to get down to sub 75kg by April.

I had a crack at my New Years Day Challenge and managed 6hrs ie 6x 30km rather than the 10 reps I was aiming for - got up too late to fit them all in. Two glasses of Champagne last night made me oversleep. Oops.

Happy New Year

Neilly G


  1. I was wondering how many you'd managed! Not a bad effort - mad challenge though!

    House move soon - you are going to be mega busy then - getting to 75 kg will be no hassle; you'll not have time for eating ;-)

  2. Neill, what is the model number of those Tanita body composition scales? And are they any good?

  3. 10hrs on the bike by hook or by crook this weekend K.

    I will have a look for you tomorrow T. Seems to be pretty good. The daily weigh ins have started! Although the %BF seems to be reading a bit high (cough).

  4. My scales always measure me at 24-25% bf even when calipers show a big difference in total skinfolds and you can see abs!

  5. Tanita Inner Scan Body Composition Monitor.

  6. Is that an IM Austria poster I see on your wall??? ;-)

  7. Good to see you put it up on your wall!

    And congratulations BTW! :-)
