Friday, 18 May 2012

Fitness Treadmill

FIT-FAT-FIT-FAT-FIT... Illness and injury always seem to put the boot in every time I get anywhere seriously fit. I seem to have become a training warrior and a race day wimp over the past few years. I have reconcilled myself to the fact that I may never break the cycle (FIT/FAT or WARRIOR/WIMP). Following shingles last autumn, hardcore manflu over Xmas and with 2 months off running or anything else for that matter, due to more illness, I somehow managed to score a 14.1 on the Multistage Fitness Test off only 3 weeks serious run training - how I have no idea. However, I almost kicked serious training in to touch after a very humbling experience on a cycling training camp in Mallorca recently (I shouldn't have gone but I'd already paid). So its back on the fitness treadmill dreaming about future goals and hopefully no more coulda, shoulda, woulda internal monologues running through my head. I've even bought a new training log.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Sunday, 22 January 2012